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About Darkhei Noam

DARKHEI NOAM is a lay-led partnership minyan and halachic Jewish community on the Upper West Side of Manhattan that meets for Shabbat and Holiday services.

We meet at 150 West 85th Street (MCS), between Columbus and Amsterdam Avenues, for Kabbalat Shabbat and Shabbat morning services.

This Shabbat at Darkhei Noam

Friday, February 7, 2025
Kabbalat Shabbat at 5:50 PM (No Mincha)
Candle Lighting: 5:03 PM

Shabbat, February 8, 2025
Parashat Beshalach

Shacharit: 9:15 AM 
(Services held at MCS 150 West 85th Street)

This week's MEAT kiddush is sponsored by  by Lisa Radetsky and Alistair Gatoff In memory of Lisa's mother, Florence Radetsky and Alistair's father Leslie Gatoff, z"l.

Please consider sponsoring kiddush by clicking here.

Havdalah: 6:04 PM

Youth Programming

Darkhei Noam provides youth programming for children of all ages during Shabbat morning and holiday services. 

In addition to Shabbat programming, childcare and youth programming is provided for all minyan sponsored lunches and dinners. 

If you have any questions or want to get involved, please email Deena at For more information click here.

Please note, children should not enter the sanctuary during the d'var Torah unless accompanied by an adult.
Groups and programs are available for them on the 3rd floor.

Shabbat Youth Program Information

Darkhei Noam provides youth programming for children of all ages during Shabbat morning services. For more information click here.

Darkhei Noam strives to maintain an environment that is both welcoming and respectful, with proper decorum during tefillah and divrei Torah.

Please note, children should not enter the sanctuary during the D'var Torah unless accompanied by an adult.
Groups and programs are available for them on the 3rd floor.


Tu BiShvat Fun – Shabbat 2/8:

Join our Jewish Youth Climate Movement as they lead a series of fun and educational activities for Tu B'shvat during youth groups from 10-11am. Don't miss this chance to learn and engage with nature in a meaningful way!

Madrichim Shabbat – Shabbat 2/22: 
Our incredible madrichim (group leaders) will take charge during services! This Shabbat is a special opportunity to celebrate the essential work they do. They will also be hosted for lunch at Deena and Aaron's home! 

Kiddush Sponsorship in honor of the madrichim is available- please click here (click on Payment is a donation, and scroll down to Madrichim Shabbat Kiddush Fund 2/22/2025) to honor our Darkhei Noam team!

Family Shabbat Lunch – Shabbat 3/29: 
Families with children of all ages are invited to join us for our annual Family Shabbat Lunch! It's a great time to connect with friends, old and new! If you'd like to help out with the planning, please reach out to Deena! Details and registration to follow.

Community Announcements


Mazal Tov to Hindy and Ruby Taub on the engagement of their daughter Melissa to Raphael Silberman Dereczynski. 


Darkhei Noam regrets to announce the passing of Rita Woldenberg z”l, beloved mother of Merle Woldenberg Gonchar (Eric), and Dr. Rona Woldenberg (Ruby Askowitz). 

The funeral took place Monday, February 3  For shiva and minyan information, please click here.

Heartfelt condolences to Stacey Karp on the passing of her father, Ronald Karp z"l, grandfather of Gabrielle Karp. The funeral was held on Sunday. For shiva information, and to sign up for Davening and Meal Train, please click here.

We invite you to send us yor our community announcements to share with the community.

Upcoming Events



The Scholar-in-Residence (SIR) Committee is delighted to announce the following upcoming Shabbat events.
Details to follow.

March 8- Shmuly Yanklowitz is a rabbi, activist and the founder of several Jewish human rights and social justice organizations.  Newsweek listed him as one of the 50 most influential rabbis in America in 2012 and 2013.

June 14- Sara Tillinger Wolkenfeld is a Rabbinic Fellow of the David Hartman Center in Jerusalem.  She serves as Chief Learning Officer at Sefaria, the innovative online database and interface for Jewish texts.

If you are interested in sponsoring the SIR program, please reach out to (partial sponsorships are available)

Weekly Classes

Mishna with Yuri Simon - Tuesdays at 8 PM
To join:

Teachings of Wonder, Wisdom, and Values with Joe Septimus - Thursdays at 8 PM
We will explore selected teachings from Torah, Talmud, Midrash, and various other sources. The texts are rich in literary style, their willingness to confront the strengths and weaknesses of human nature, and their exploration of godliness and universal realities. Our texts and discussion will enhance and deepen our appreciation of life’s wisdom and Jewish values. To join:

Please join Darkhei Noam and Yeshivat Hadar on Monday evenings at 7:45 PM for an open Beit Midrash, including a shiur led by our member, Joe Septimus on:Talmudic Stories: Teachings of Wonder, Wisdom, and Values. For details, go to Open Beit Midrash


Darkhei Noam Annual Campaign

Membership dues, Yamim Noraim ticket sales, and other income only cover about two-thirds of our operating expenses. We rely on donations from our membership to bridge the gap.

The annual campaign helps us pay rent, salaries of our executive director and youth coordinator, security, children’s programming, kiddush food and so much more.


5785 Membership 

As a growing minyan, we depend solely on membership and other contributions from our community to meet our operating expenses. Darkhei Noam invites you to renew your membership or join as a member for the first time. We welcome everyone to join as members, irrespective of financial contributions.  We are deeply appreciative of all the support from our community. Please keep in mind that membership dues alone only cover 25% of our budget costs. Therefore, we also ask that those members who can make an additional contribution please consider doing so.

To join or renew as a member, please click here.

Thu, February 6 2025 8 Shevat 5785